Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hanson + HelloGoodbye Concert

For all of you who were unable to get to the Tabernacle on Oct. 28 to the Use Your Sole Tour, here is what you missed:

HelloGoodbye played a great set and get everyone excited. I loved the guy with the Ukulele! They played a few classics, like Bonnie Taylor Shakedown, Call N' Return and Dear Jaime... Sincerely Me. I hadn't listened to these guys in a few years and I was pleasantly surprised by how many of their songs I remembered. I had a lot of fun singing and jumping around to their pop-punk, nerdy dance music.

And then Hanson took the stage.... All the girls in the audience sighed, screamed and swooned at their dreamy long hair and grown up good looks. (No more 15 year olds in this band.) They played a mix of old hits, like MMMbop and Where's the Love, and new ballads written to inspire change and bring new meaning to music, like The Walk and a few new songs off their new Stand Up, Stand Up EP.

By the end of the night, all the girls had melted away into little puddles and had to be mopped up. The other bands joined Hanson on stage for an encore and everyone left feeling warm and happy.

I just want to say that I'm a little upset I missed the Halloween show, because the guys performed a cover of Thriller for the encore.

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