Thursday, April 1, 2010

One Week Without Shoes: Day 2

Ok, so I'm writing this blog from the inside of my cardboard "habishack" at about 2am in the middle of Tate Plaza and the only light I have is my laptop screen's white glow.  If you wondering why, it's b/c I'm supporting Habitat for humanity's effort to make more people aware of the fact that many people in Athens are homeless.  We all built houses of cardboard and are spending the night in Tate Plaza- should be an interesting night.  Mine is actually quite comfortable too.  It's a spacious 2 bedroom with an office and a kitchen.  Also, voted best carpet of all the houses, but this is neither here nor there.

Anyways, onto the more important issues.  My name is Kyler Dennis and I'm a campus rep at UGA for TOMS Shoes.  Coming up on April 8th is our 'Day Without Shoes' where we encourage everyone to go the entire day barefoot to be reminded that there are people all over the world who have no shoes.  Since I want as many people as possible to participate on the 8th, I decided to go barefoot for the entire week leading up to April 8th, and to blog about it. I've also decided to call it "One Week Without Shoes" (seems appropriate yeah?)  So here are my brief thoughts, may they inspire you, humor you, and motivate you to walk with us on April 8th (I know I'm starting on Day 2, but that's b/c this idea didn't hit me until about 4 hrs ago).

So it's the end of the second day barefoot and I've only got one really big thought in my mind-my feet are burning.  Not b/c of the hot pavement, but b/c of the incredibly rocky concrete that covers the entire Tate Plaza (my home for the night).  It literally is like walking on gravel with nails and fire.  Now I realize I'm being a huge baby, but it's my blog so I can complain if I want, ha.  That being said, it's only making me think more about the fact that I'm complaining after 48 hrs barefoot.  There are people who do this all their life, and they do it on way worse terrain than Tate Plaza concrete.  Now this is the part I guess where I am supposed to inspire you with words to buy some TOMS/walk barefoot with us, but seriously, just stop and think about it for a second.  I mean, how many pairs of shoes do most of us have? 5? 10? 20? pairs (that last one is for girls).   These people in other countries have none. NONE.   TOMS is doing a big part to stop that.  If you don't know what TOMS does it's simple.  For every pair of TOMS you buy, they give a brand new pair to someone who doesn't have any. One for one.  How awesome is that? I mean, I buy a pair of shoes, brand new, so freaking comfortable, and they are mine, but someone else gets the exact same thing.  And that person will probably appreciate it way more than me.  That's freaking great!! (a win-win if you will).

Anyways, now that you know what TOMS does, maybe you wanna help more.  You're asking, "What do I do?"  The answer is simple- go buy some TOMS.  Ok, maybe you don't have money.  Well, then come walk barefoot with us on April 8th.  People will ask why, then you tell them about TOMS, then they tell friends-knowledge spreads. People get helped. Everyone wins.  "But I don't wanna go barefoot, it hurts!!" you might be thinking this.  Well I'm here to tell you this, it does hurt some, but it hurts way more for those people who don't get a choice for shoes or not, so can't we suck it up one day for them?  Also, the UGA campus is not that bad, I mean, part of my job in going one week barefoot is to recon the bad spots and tell you so it's safe!!  (don't you love me even more now??)

So, to end this day's post, here are my thoughts:  For all you barefoot friends, stay away from the parking lots behind Sig Chi, walk on the grass (it feel phenomenal and makes you young again), wash  your feet in Herty Fountain (again, it makes you feel like your 8 all over), stay away from Tate Plaza (for reasons aforementioned), the SLC feels good too, and don't walk on roads if you can (they are hot as hell!!).  Lastly, don't forget, April 8th, day without shoes!!  And if you can't go barefoot all day, meet us out in front of Tate 2 at 3pm for our 1 mile barefoot walk.  For everyone who signs up they donate a dollar to TOMS charity!! Tomorrow I'll be back with more barefoot news.  See ya on the flip side!


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